How To Not Use The 80/20 Rule: Pareto’s Forgotten Advice
Pareto’s Principle is widely hailed as a key strategy for achieving efficiency and productivity. However, we often overlook the already existing wisdom we can connect to heuristics like 80-20. Today I’d like to offer a fresh perspective on how to make use of it.
How to not use pareto's Principle
It sounds simple and easy and to be honest, it is simple. But not easy. Most heuristics we learn stay in the back of our head, like an old, dusty TV. However, what most of us forget is the power of many things in life only unfolds, if we provide consistency in its execution. Knowing the 80-20 rule is one thing. Making sure of its frequent usage is a whole other story. With this post I’d like to emphasize instead of filing Pareto in the backside of your head – implement it and make it a habit to think like Pareto.
Upgrade Your System
By making it a habit to use the 80-20 rule you add an effective tool to your arsenal of creativity, focus, effectivity, executional power, out-of-the-box thinking and many more. But this only builds up by consistent practice. Like milk spiling out of the pot at a certain temperature, the effect of Pareto will flood your life with bliss and accomplishment after some time of practice. So whenever
→ a new project begins → a month starts → a new job starts → a goal has been reached → your life’s situation has changed → you became parent
… ask yourself: What are the 20% of actions I can do, that will create 80% of my desired outcomes? By doing this on a regular base, you will hone down your skill and become a dangerous opponent for bureaucracy and inefficiency 😉