Road To Success:
7 Unique Approaches For New Times

Hey there, ambitious reader! Are you tired of the same old cliches about the road to success? You know, “work hard,” “never give up,” and “follow your dreams.” Boring, right? Well, fear not, because I’ll share a fresh and cheeky take on the topic that will have you inspired and ready to tackle anything that comes your way. In this post we’ll explore 7 unique approaches for success in today’s ever-changing world. These are not your typical strategies, but rather unconventional and unexpected methods that will help you stand out from the crow and achieve your goals with lasting satisfaction. So buckle up and get ready for a wild ride on the road to success!


What comes first to your mind when you think about success? Very often it’s about succeeding in a career or maybe finding a fitting romantic partner. These are the narratives we get told by almost everybody. But by giving things a deeper thought, we reveal so much more than that. Yes, the pressure of society is real in valuing money and romantic relationships. 

However, we gain a way more sustainable perspective if we don’t perceive results as success, but the journey of what we become on this way. Jim Rohn was once asked by his mentor Mr. Shoaff why he wants to become a Millionare. Rohn was confused by this question, saying it’s obvious why one wants to become rich. Shoaff encountered, with a big no! Ruminating about what financial freedom makes possible is the exact wrong take. What we become on the way to our first Million is the treasure. What skills do we acquire, what people do we get to know, what memories do we make… there is so much more than just the money. 

Victory is an individual journey. It’s about asking, what personality do I actually want to become on that way? An expert negotiator? Somebody who’s able to distinguish personality types within a few questions? Maybe somebody who is tremendously persistent despite of pressure? Define your very own perception of success and build a lasting sense of success.

2. The road to success
is not always about working hard

If you have ever played chess or found a company, you know how important it is to position yourself effectively in the beginning. Missing the opportunity to open the lane of pawns as soon as possible can be your downfall in the early game already. Positioning yourself ineffectively as new company makes it much harder to make profit and can in the end throw you out of business due to the lack of customers and revenue. 

Whether it’s Julius Cesar, Napoleon Bonaparte or Alexander the Great: all of them knew exactly with sophisticated positioning you tremendously increase your chances of winning. By shooting down to your enemies, rather than shooting upwards you increase accuracy and penetrative power. Welcoming your enemies at the end of a narrow passage makes it impossible for your enemies to unleash their full power, no matter how many they are. Just remember how Leonidas positioned his 300 Greek Spartans (yes, they were actually more) to slay the gigantic Persian army. First position yourself smartly, then invest your resources to succeed.

3. The road to success
is about creating mental models

Understanding patterns which work out well in one field can very often work out well in other fields also. The saying “doing the right things and doing things right” is one of them. No matter what you are trying to pursue. You may ask yourself “what is the most effective and efficient way to reach result x.” 

-> What is the most effective way succeed in sales? After having defined what it is, you can tackle efficiency: What is the way to invest as little resources as possible to create this result?

-> What is the most effective way to build lasting confidence? How to do it with only the most necessary amount of resources?

-> What is the most effective way to find a fitting romantic partner? How to do it with the least amount of resources

You see, you can apply the mental model “doing the right things and doing things right” to almost any situation in your life. Recognize mental models on your way and apply them in other fields to succeed!

4. The road to success
is about emotional intelligence

Do you know academically successful personalities, at the same time inept to show empathy, control their emotions or form lasting relationships? Investing only in IQ and not in emotional quotient (EQ) will lead to recurring headache. Emotional intelligence is widely categorized in four attributes:

  1. Self-Management
    Are you capable to healthily manage your feelings, especially in moments of high intensity? Can you adapt to changing circumstances?
  2. Self-Awareness
    Are you capable to recognize your own emotions and how they affect you? Do you know the aspects of yourself, of which you are good and not so good at? Did you build your confidence on these discoveries?
  3. Social awareness
    Do you understand other people’s needs and emotions? Are you able to pick up people’s body language, tone of voice, facial expressions, and other non-verbal cues. Do you feel socially comfortable? Are you able to distinguish the power of dynamics in a group or organization?
  4. Relationship management
    Do you know how to develop and maintain effective relationships? Do you have the capability to communicate clearly, work well in a team and manage conflict?

    Mastering the emotions of your body and those of your fellow human beings gives you tremendous headway on the road to success.

5. The road to success
is about failure, not success

Take this: Success is not about how good you are at succeeding, but how good you become at failing! Let’s give this mentality a face: We are so utterly obsessed with winning, that we totally forget what it’s really about. All the success we see out there is paved by copious failings. Nobody shows off how hard they have failed in order to get where they currently are. This makes it so hard to believe what really counts, which is:
How often are you willing to fail?
How well do you reflect after a failing?
How do you perceive failing at all?

The biggest failures out there (which are the most successful among us) framed failing not as negative, but as opportunity to grow, to fall forward.

6. The road to success
is not about becoming the best

Simon Sinek once spoke at a leadership summit at Microsoft, where 70% of the executives spent about 70% of their presentations talking about how to beat Apple. Simon also spoke at a leadership summit at Apple, where about 100% of their executives spent a 100% of their presentations about how to help teachers teach and how to help students learn.

One was obsessed with their competition, the other was obsessed with where they are going.”

You see this philosophy reflecting in the whole company’s strategies. Apple is a company with vision, not mainly in care what they competitors are doing. Apple is concerned on how to create the best user experience for their audience. Without a doubt you will create different results and questions when you are focused in performance and innovation, rather than beating your competition. Take a spoonful of Apple’s philosophy and leave your competition behind, without even wanting it!

7. The road to success
is about how well you communicate

In a world where connections and relationships matter more than ever, mastering the art of communication is no longer a luxury, but a necessity.

Now, you may be thinking, “But Kevin, I’m not a born communicator.” Fear not, my dear friends! The truth is, effective communication is a skill that can be learned and honed with practice. It’s not about being the loudest or most articulate person in the room; it’s about conveying your ideas and thoughts in a way that resonates with your audience.

Whether you’re delivering a presentation, writing an email, or networking with potential clients, your ability to communicate effectively can make all the difference. It’s what separates the successful from the mediocre, the game-changers from the followers.

But don’t just take my word for it. Think about the most successful people you know. Chances are, they didn’t get to where they are today by being wallflowers. They knew how to communicate their value proposition, build relationships, and influence others.

So, my dear readers, let’s make a pact today. Let’s commit to improving our communication skills, to speaking up when we have something valuable to contribute, and to listening actively when others speak. Let’s make every interaction count, whether it’s in-person or virtual. Let’s be confident, but humble. And most importantly, let’s have fun with it!

Remember, the road to success is not a solo journey. It’s about building relationships, collaborating with others, and making a meaningful impact. And it all starts with effective communication. So, go forth and conquer, my friends! The world is waiting for your message.

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