Thank you for your patience: The magic of Gratitude

Let’s face it, we live in an impatient world. Waiting for anything, whether it’s a cup of coffee or a response to an email, can feel like an eternity. So when someone actually takes the time to be patient, it’s worth acknowledging. That’s why in this blog post, we’re going to talk about the power of gratitude and how it connects to patience. We’ll explore why saying “thank you for your patience” is more than just good manners, and how it can have a transformative effect. Get ready to discover the magic of gratitude!

Thank you for your patience - the magic component

Skillfully we complain about pretty much everything in our lives. No mercy from anyone. Our family, our colleagues, the random driver in front of us and behold – let’s not start with our boss. Yes, we have the right to do so! There is no limitation and no law that forbids to complain. 

However, what happens if we earnestly sprinkle gratitude in our lives? Already with the first act of thankfulness, we feel happiness shooting through our system. Integrate gratitude in your life and awaken an underestimated force within you!

How “thank you for your patience” affects yourself

Work against the 80%

Did you know? The average human individual has mostly negative thoughts. 80% of all thoughts have a negative effect on our mind. With a conscious “thank you” you take a active step against this spiral.

People will perceive you as unusual

Since literally nobody takes frequent steps to show gratitude to their fellow humans, you will very likely seen as unusual. As Robert Green wrote in his remarkable book “48 Laws Of Power”: ”Be Royal in Your Own Fashion: Act Like a King to Be Treated Like One.” Your behavior and mannerisms are a direct reflection of how others perceive and treat you. Therefore, it is essential to present yourself in a manner that commands respect and admiration.

You seed luck

Do you know people who read the newspaper in the morning and fill their mind’s factory with death, betray, greed and gossip? Nothing fruitful will result in such habits. On the other side when you sprinkle little seeds of luck in your life and the lives of the people around you, you will surely reap extraordinary results

How "Thank you for your patience" affects others

You satisfy people’s deepest needs

Through this out of the norm-act we are burning our character into people’s minds. 90% of our behavior is automated and through this act of compassion we awaken people from their trance-like dopamine journey. For a moment they are baffled and feel true happiness, just because you have spoken out an earnest word of thankfulness.

People want to be understood, loved and accepted
There is something deeper in your life that you need… that materialism cannot satisfy that money cannot satisfy that pleasure cannot satisfy.

It is our deepest desire to feel understood, loved and accepted
Through expressing thankfulness by saying “thank you!” you satisfy peoples need for being understood and accepted. Just imagine the life of somebody, who rarely receives appreciation. Do you notice something? Almost everybody lives that reality. Now you come along and give a random, but honest “thank you for your patience with all of this!” I have seen people close to tears, just for having said those magical words. No more proof needed, what’s going on in their minds. We thirst for appreciation. We thirst for understanding. We thirst for acceptance.

Only a few individuals out there have practiced showing earnest gratitude, which makes you an invaluable component in any family, friend circle, tribe or organization. Sprinkle some words of gratitude!

You transform your environment

By saying “thank you for your patience” you actively change the course of your environment. Your family, colleagues and friends will recognize that these conversations should be integral parts of our lives. It’s easy to complain. It’s easier to show gratitude. 

What now?

Easy one – thank somebody for their patience today. Whoever pops up first in your mind – thank them today for their patience. Whether it be your spouse, your child, your mother, your supervisor, your colleague, your teacher, a random worker in your favorite cafe. Thank them! To make things easier, here are easy 9 ways to show gratitude for somebody’s patience.

9 easy ways to say thank you for your patience!

#1 Your child
Hey Jim, may you come over for a moment? I know, I don’t say this often enough, but I’d like to say thank you for your patience with our family life. We are far from a perfect family, but our ability to always finding ways to get back together and forgive make us special. I wanted to let you know, that I’ll never let you down, no matter what happens. I love you!

#2 Your spouse
Darling, there is something I need to let you know. I know our relationship with all its up’s and down’s is not always easy, but I am deeply grateful to have you on my side. Thank you for your patience with what we’re going through.

#3 Your boss
Mr. Rees, I know, this is something rather unusual. But I’d like to say thank you for your patience with all of this. I know your job is not easy. Handling all of this must be a big pressure and often times I don’t want to live with your skin. Thank you for keeping this thing alive!

#4 Your teacher
Hey Sara! I’d like to thank you for your patience with us as group! Sometimes it looks pretty energy draining teaching us your knowledge and keeping everybody entertained at the same time. Thank you!

#5 Your mother
So Mam’. Our past wasn’t always a pony ride, but I am deeply grateful that we always find back together. Thank you so much for your patience with us as family.

#6 Your father
So Pa’! You probably don’t hear this that often from anybody, but I’d like to thank you for your patience with us as family. I know, often times you had to juggle 5 balls at once to keep our family together and I am so thankful that you never gave up upon us. I love you!

#7 Your friend
Darlings! I know we often talk about it, but it’s important to keep this habit alive! Thank you so much for your patience with your friendship. Whenever you listen to me, laugh, or cry with me. You are an integral part of my life and I couldn’t be without you. Thank you so much!

#8 Your sibling
Dominik! I’d like to thank you for your patience for all my requests. I know our past was everything else than easy, but I am deeply grateful that our life took the current course. Thank you for being here!

#9 your colleague
Dear Andrea! Even if you are my favorite colleague, I don’t say it often enough. Thank you so much for your patience with our relationship as colleagues. I have learned so much from you and am deeply grateful to call you my mentor and friend!

1 thought on “Thank You for your patience: The Magic of Gratitude”

  1. Pingback: Attitude Of Gratitude: A Hidden Miracle + 49 Quotes

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